
The mind in the mouth. A workshop with Adi Toch

Workshop  /  Technics   CriticalThinking  /  18 Oct 2024  -  20 Oct 2024
Published: 22.05.2024
Adi Toch. Bowl: Hungry bowl, 2024. Silver. Photo by: Adi Toch. Adi Toch
Bowl: Hungry bowl, 2024
Photo by: Adi Toch
© By the author. Read Copyright.

How thick is the edge of your favourite cup? Our relationship with some everyday objects, such as a cup or a spoon can be very particular and quite intimate. We assess them not only by their visual and tactile qualities but also through our lips and mouths.
In this workshop, we will explore the rituals related to eating, preparing, and -serving food and their emotional and social importance. The dining table is a meeting point for shared meals and experiences, as well as discussions, and occasionally arguments. It will be our playground for reimagining, experimenting, and testing different possibilities for utensils, that reflect the joys, histories, and contemporary concerns around dining. You will be encouraged to consider the sensorial potential of metal and create an interactive experience using a variety of materials, including food as a material.

Workshop fees: CHF 500.–
Students are entitled to a 10 % discount.
A discount is offered if more than one workshop is booked.
Participants: maximum 8.
Subscription: up to two weeks before the workshop begins.
Advance payment: half of the workshop fee.
Tools are available.
Course material is included in the cost.
Metal is charged separately.
Course languages: German and English

You will receive detailed information before the workshop begins.
Modifications reserved.

Adi Toch is a London-based metal artist exploring the sensorial sensibilities of metal through the realm of objects and our relationships with them. She is a lecturer at the RCA and teaches and exhibits around the world. Her work is held in major private and public collections including the V&A Museum in London, The Crafts Council, Museum of London, Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, Birmingham Museum, National Museums Scotland, National Museum Wales, and The Jewish Museum New York. Adi Toch was a finalist in the first Loewe Craft Prize and won prestigious awards for her work including a Gold Award from The Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Council UK and The European Prize for Applied Arts. In 2021 she was the recipient of an important commission by the Gilbert Trust to create a response to the restitution of a historic gold ewer from The Gilbert Collection to Turkey. Her artwork Place to Place is on permanent display at The Gilbert Galleries, V&A Museum, London.

Adi Toch.
Adi Toch

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Adi Toch. Object: Spoon or Mirror, 2024. Silver. Photo by: Adi Toch. Adi Toch
Object: Spoon or Mirror, 2024
Photo by: Adi Toch
© By the author. Read Copyright.