
Hsinyu Candy Chu. Academy of Art University. Selected Graduate 2016

Article  /  Artists
Published: 06.06.2016
Necklace: Balance 2 & 3 by Hsinyu Candy Chu.Sterling silver, enamel, copper, porcelain, plastic, rubber cord, Arduino Gemma, Neopixel LED. 2016.Photo by: Alex Justimbaste. Hsinyu Candy Chu
Necklace: Balance 2 & 3, 2016
Sterling silver, enamel, copper, porcelain, plastic, rubber cord, Arduino Gemma, Neopixel LED
Photo by: Alex Justimbaste
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Candy’s commitment to her thesis project not only shows exemplary technique and choice of support mediums, mature decision making, and a deep understanding of concept and philosophy, but also an ability to discard clichés as well as a disdain for simplistic, linear thinking, / Charlene Modena, Director, School of Jewelry and Metal Arts