

Safe Creative is the largest online registration of intellectual property. We are a team specialized in legal and technology solutions that seek to guarantee that the talent and efforts of creators are respected in the market.


15% Discount for Klimt02 members
Klimt02 is concerned about the copyright of our member's creations. Thanks to a partnership with the Legal Tech Company SafeCreative, we can offer Klimt02 members an additional 15% discount, on the first purchase, of an annual subscription to SafeCreative.

What are the advantages of registering copyrights with Safe Creative?
Registering with Safe Creative offers several significant advantages for protecting the copyright of a creative work. Although the Berne Convention establishes that copyright exists automatically for the author, it is highly recommended to register the work before its distribution to establish solid proof of authorship. Safe Creative provides proof of authorship backed by technological evidence, including three cryptographic fingerprints and qualified timestamping, ensuring the work's integrity and registration date. This evidence is internationally recognized by countries signatory to the Berne Convention and supported by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The registered information is publicly available online, and users with professional services have unlimited access to certified evidence and proof. This advanced technology is available to all Safe Creative users, regardless of their account type.

What is the legal and technical robustness?
Safe Creative offers a robust legal and technical validity for registering artistic, scientific, or literary creations, backed by technological proofs generated through cryptographic technology and timestamping. These proofs allow for the precise identification of the registered work and establish the date of registration in the record without margin for error. By registering works before their disclosure, authors obtain enduring proof that can be preserved indefinitely to demonstrate originality and the date of creation.

What types of works can I register with Safe Creative?
In accordance with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of the World Intellectual Property Organization, copyright refers to the following:
- Literary works: articles, stories, novels, essays, posts, web pages, etc.
- Artistic works: drawing, painting, design, three-dimensional modelling, sculpture, prints, lithographies, comics, photography, etc.
- Databases and computer programs (in certain legislations): the code (in any form of expression), its manuals, and preparatory technical documentation, graphics, or diagrams.
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What is the duration of a registration?
The technological proof generated at the time of registration has permanent validity; it does not expire. The redundant combination of three different cryptographic technologies (SHA1, SHA 256, and SHA 512) for the identification of the work and two timestamps inscribed in turn on the Ethereum blockchain guarantee its proof validity over time. Once a work is registered, you can download the registration proof, which you can always use as evidence of authorship and other registered rights, regardless of whether you continue as a Safe Creative user or not. Read more about the duration and strength of the registration.

>> Certificate Sample


1. Get the Klimt02 code to benefit of the discount

2. Sign up and register at SafeCreative

3. When requested, during the payment process, use the klimt02 code to get the discount

For assistance, feel free to contact SafeCreative at: