

Here we would like to provide you with some relevant data about the contents of our site, the number and type of visits we receive and our members. This data presents a clearer overview of the yearly progressions of the Klimt02 network and its members.

At Klimt02 we are keen on taking a firm stand on quality for our readers as we know this is an important part of our work. For this reason, we want to ensure that we are talking about an audience whose interests we know and with whom we have established a reciprocal net of interests and objectives.

We work to Empower an International and Professional Network for our Members, our Audience and your Company.

We also want to comment that in 2023 we published a new section and implemented a new service. The new section is Jewels and the new service is Jewels On Sale.
This klimt02 service is a commitment to expanding and professionalizing the contemporary jewelry & crafts market. Klimt02 thinks that professionalizing the market means defining the role of each of the actors that are part of it. In this sense, klimt02 has drawn up terms and conditions of sale to enhance and improve this market.
Currently, we are working on a new Klimt02 platform that will bring technological improvements, improvements in usability, and new services that we hope to make a reality during 2024.

  Klimt02 Contents    

During 2023 Klimt02 has incorporated into its database
3203 Jewels (new items catalogued and indexed in the database)
and 793 more items (new and updated) that include:

 448    Events (Exhibitions, Awards, Fairs & Meetings, Lectures, Open Calls)
 109    Jewellers
   22    Galleries    
   36    Institutions (Organizations, Museums, Schools)
 111    Forum (Articles 69, Interviews 38)
   26    Publications 
     7    Videos 
    10   Series - Selections
    43   Courses 

The Klimt02 database currently offers
+ 62000 Jewels
+ 11500 Items

of content available to our audience which includes:

8560    Events
  553    Jewellers
    47    Galleries
    90    Institutions
1348    Forum
  702    Publications
  259    Videos
    76    Series
    81    Courses

    Klimt02 Consultation   

 + 435.000     Visits  
 + 205.000     Users
 + 1.370.000  Page views

We want to highlight:
Longest Average Session Duration of the Visitors, Less Bounce Rating, and More New Visitors.

Klimt02 have raised to + 10500 subscribers to our newsletter
and we sent 98 newsletters in 2023

>> View and subscribe to klimt02 Newsletters

This 98 newsletters includes 9 special newsletters for the Following clients:
Inhorgenta, Munich, Germany.
Handwerk & Design, Munich, Germany.
Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom.
Artistar Jewels Contemporania Fair, Milan, Italy.
Pacours Bijoux, Paris, France.
Loewe Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design, Gothemburg, Sweden.
Neumeister Auction House, Munich, Germany.

We receive visits from 199 different countries 

The 20 top countries reaching us are:
United States, China, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, France, Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Japan, South Korea, Israel, Sweden, Taiwan, Portugal, Greece, Mexico.

The 20 top cities reaching us are:
London, Beijing, Milan, New York, Barcelona, Paris, Antwerp, Shanghai, Madrid, Seoul, Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Munich, Amsterdam, Sydney, Helsinki, Frankfurt, Guangzhou, Vienna, Lisbon.

     Klimt02 Social Media

Currently on social networks Klimt02 have + 55000 followers


+ 3,5 M  Monthly visits





Klimt02 Target

_ Professional sector: jewellers, designers, galleries, companies, fairs, associations of jewellers.
_ Educational sector: professors, students, schools, workshops, foundations.
_ Mass media sector: magazines and publications of jewellery, fashion, and art.
_ Cultural sector: museums, art historians, art critics, public and private institutions.

Klimt02 Clients & Partners


Jewellery brands:
Adler Joailliers, Switzerland.
Lapponia Jewellery, Helsinki, Finland.
Hilde Leiss Gallery, Germany.
Samshin Diamonds, South Korea.
Swarovski AG, Wattens, Austria.
Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Italy.
Platinum Guild International China, Shanghai, China.
Japan Jewellery Designers Association, Tokyo, Japan.
Kimberlite Diamond Group, Shanghai, China.

Jewellery Fairs:
Inhorgenta, Munich Germany.
ContemporaniaLe Département, Barcelona, Spain.
Cluster London, London United Kingdom.
Sieraad, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Athens Jewellery Week, Athens, Greece.
Inhorgenta Europe, Munich, Germany.
Artifact, the international contemporary crafts, Brussels, Belgium.
EUNIQUE: Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-GmbH (KMK), Karlsruhe, Germany.
JOYA Barcelona, Le Département, Barcelona, Spain.
Handwerk & Design, Munich, Germany.
Romanian Jewelry Week, Bucharest, Romania.
Autor Fair, Bucharest, Romania.
GemGenève, Geneva, Switzerland.

Jewellery Schools:
Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom.
The 92nd Street Y Jewelry Center, New York, United States.
Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design, Stockholm, Sweden.
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hill, United States.
British Academy of Jewellery, London, United Kingdom..
HDK. Academy of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Trier University of Applied Sciences, Idar Oberstein, Germany.
Akademie für Gestaltung Bildungszentrum München, Munich, Germany.
Jewellery department of The Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, United Kingdom..
Oslo National Academy of Arts, Oslo, Norway.
Oakham School, Rutland, United Kingdom..
Department of Fine Arts Faculty of Art & Design Monash University, Victoria, Australia.
Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence, Italy.
Le Arti Orafe, Florence, Italy.
Monash University, Department of Fine Arts | Faculty of Art & Design, Caulfield East, Australia.
Universiteit Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Assamblage. The National Contemporary Jewelry Association, Bucharest, Romania.
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China.

Jewellery Organizations & Auction Houses:
Loewe Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
Neumeister Münchener Kunstauktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany.
Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH, munich, Germany.
Cheongju Craft Biennale, Seoul, South Korea.
DIVA, Museum for Diamonds, Jewellery and Silver, Antwerp, Belgium.
Wirtschaft und Stadtmarketing Pforzheim, pforzheim, Germany.
Métiers d'Art. Communauté d'Agglomération Hérault Méditerranée, Agde, France.
Parcours Bijoux, Paris, France.
UAB Amber Trip, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Goldschmitte Eierbrecht, Zurich, Switzerland.
Art Jewelry Forum, Mill Valley, United States.
AFAD, Barcelona, Spain.
Gold Museum New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Solidor Art Space. Mairie de Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
Bundesverband der Edelstein und Diamantindustrie, Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
Design Vlaanderen, Brussels, Belgium.
Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
SYN APEIRO, Athens, Greece.
Wirtschaft und Stadtmarketing, Pforzheim, Germany.
Radiant Pavilion, Melbourne, Australia.
Staatliches Museum für Archäologie, Chemnitz, Germany.
InFlow, Szentendre, Hungary.

Media Brands:
FLORA & PARTNER, Büro für Kommunikation und Gestaltung Studio di design e comunicazione, Italy.
MEC GmbH Derendorfer, Duesseldorf, Germany.
Look Advertising, Taipei, Taiwan.
media + more Media Consulting und Media Service GmbH, Munich, Germany.
Prodes Italia Srl, Milan, Italy.

Jewellery Books editors:
Arnoldshe Art Publisher, Stuttgart, Germany.
Lark Books, USA.
Sd Edicions, Barcelona.

  Klimt02 Members

We are glad in 2023, 114 new members joined klimt02 and regarding our last year's data, + 80 % of our members renewed their Klimt02 membership trusting in us as the best platform for communicating and networking their work.

>  Join Us and be part of a community with + 500 members from 45 countries.
>  You can check here our member benefits.

The above information confirms that Klimt02 is welcomed for its quality and at the same time that there is a need for a project and a product of this kind.

Our main goal is quality. We know that quality provides quantity, as this data reflects and demonstrates that the search for and the exchange of information and knowledge is well-founded.

Klimt02 data progression confirms us we do good work to develop the market and empower an International and Professional Network for our Members, our Audience and your Company.