
Too Fragile When You are Close. Masterclass project by Viktorija Domarkaite

Article  /  Artists   CriticalThinking
Published: 08.05.2017
Viktorija Domarkaite. Neckpiece: Too fragile When You are Close, 2015. Plaster, thread.. 17 x 0.4 x 15 cm. Photo by: Maria Kahnwailer. Viktorija Domarkaite
Neckpiece: Too fragile When You are Close, 2015
Plaster, thread.
17 x 0.4 x 15 cm
Photo by: Maria Kahnwailer
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Viktorija Domarkaite presents Ritual, her final work of Masterclass, culminating in a neckpiece, a performance and a video. This project raises questions of loosing mental strenght and its importance for human personality.