
Accessibility & Adaptation: Residencies in 2024

Article  /  SnagMetalsmith   Artists
Published: 06.08.2024
GemZ Residency by Current Obsession
. LOKIDOLOR, Between Revolutions, 2021. Various materials and dimensions. Photo: Melanie Marsman..
GemZ Residency by Current Obsession
LOKIDOLOR, Between Revolutions, 2021. Various materials and dimensions. Photo: Melanie Marsman.

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A career in the creative sector isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. Some creatives engage their art by participating in the “gig” economy—working a side hustle to supplement more regular income.
Many artists rely on the now lower costs of digital advertising to grow their market via social media. As we continue into the twenty-first century, and as the needs and wants of the creative field evolve, the general premise of the artist residency is evolving in turn.

This article is included in the Metalsmith Magazine. Vol 44 No 2. The magazine can be purchased online at SNAG Metalsmith.