
Emily Culver. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Selected Graduate 2017

Article  /  Artists   NewTalentsByKlimt02
Published: 06.09.2017
Set: Still Life [The Luncheon] by Emily Culver.Plastic, silver, northern maple wood.. 2017.Photo by: Emily Culver.Brooches and a necklace.. Emily Culver
Set: Still Life [The Luncheon], 2017
Plastic, silver, northern maple wood.
Photo by: Emily Culver
Brooches and a necklace.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Emily Culver's work addresses our subconscious knowledge and familiarity with archetypical and mundane objects of daily life. Her exquisite knowledge of techniques and materials gives her objects a suggestion of familiarity but rejects direct readings or use. One is not tempted to classify and categorize her work, it flows between boundaries of craft, design, and art but rests in none of them.