
An Empathic Representation Of Traumatic Memory And Transgenerational Trauma Through Contemporary Jewellery

Article  /  CriticalThinking   History
Published: 17.10.2023
Cuff: Suffocation Unseen by Chandra Ngomane.Polyester shirt, embroidery thread, sterling silver. 2022.Photo by: Joani GroenewaldMultiple piece. Chandra Ngomane
Cuff: Suffocation Unseen, 2022
Polyester shirt, embroidery thread, sterling silver
Photo by: Joani Groenewald
© By the author. Read Copyright.

In this final research article, I investigate traumatic memory through transgenerational transmission and its visualisation through my own contemporary jewellery practice. I’m specifically interested in the ability of jewellery as an intimate art form that can act as a vehicle to highlight the trauma that was experienced and is still present in post-apartheid South Africa.

This text is included at the chapter 3 How can jewellery tell the story of their trauma and its transmission? at the full research by the author.