
Every color has its stories... including RED*

Article  /  CriticalThinking   Artists   Arnoldsche
Published: 23.05.2023
Therese Hilbert. Necklace: Die Dornenkrone, 1983. Brass, laquer, PVC, steel,. 45 x 4.3 cm. Photo by: Otto Künzli. Part of: Private collection. Therese Hilbert
Necklace: Die Dornenkrone, 1983
Brass, laquer, PVC, steel,
45 x 4.3 cm
Photo by: Otto Künzli
Part of: Private collection
© By the author. Read Copyright.

This article is included in the book Red. Therese Hilbert Jewelry 1966-2020, Arnoldsche, Stuttgart, 2022, pp. 25-33.

RED. Not black. Not silver. Not yellow. These of course also belong to TH’s color spectrum, to her brooches and pendants.