
Ilke Matthys - De Zutter. PXL- MAD School of Arts. Selected Graduate 2016

Article  /  Artists
Published: 19.08.2016
Pendant: Untitled by Ilke Matthys De Zutter.Acrylic resin, concrete powder, silver, steel bolts, nylon coated steel wire. 2016.20 x 9.5 x 0.5 cm.Photo by: Ilke Matthys De Zutter. Ilke Matthys De Zutter
Pendant: Untitled, 2016
Acrylic resin, concrete powder, silver, steel bolts, nylon coated steel wire
20 x 9.5 x 0.5 cm
Photo by: Ilke Matthys De Zutter
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Ilke Matthys-De Zutter created a refined jewellery collection that evokes the precarious balance of large prefab panels hanging from construction cranes. The pieces seem minimal, but at closer inspection we find that original systems and materials have been used to make the work both wearable and poetic. The work shows clarity of thinking and a great eye for detail, not only in the work but also in its presentation. / PXL - MAD