
Innovative Jewelry Alloys and Prospects for Their Use

Article  /  Technics   ProfessionalPractice   History
Published: 12.09.2024

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The jewelry industry is a world of tradition, heritage, and luxury, where each piece carries a story, style, and techniques that are passed down from generation to generation. Jewelers see this as a way to maintain the value of every crafted item.

Technological progress is an integral part of life, but conservatism and resistance to innovation are very strong in the jewelry industry. Additive technologies (3D printing), widely used since the 1980s, have taken a long time to become established in the jewelry industry. The first attempts to use them began only after the 2000s, and today, it is unimaginable to produce jewelry without 3D printing wax models.

Despite the widespread and normative use of traditional alloys and processing methods, the advancement of new technologies offers significant improvements in jewelry manufacturing. Innovative alloys with enhanced mechanical properties, especially increased hardness, can broaden the possibilities for designers and jewelry creators, ultimately enhancing the quality and durability of their products.