
Jewellery in the Age of Cataclysm. A review of the exhibition A Waste Land by Dauvit Alexander and Dan Russell

Article  /  CriticalThinking   Exhibiting
Published: 23.05.2019
Jewellery in the Age of Cataclysm. A review of the exhibition A Waste Land by Dauvit Alexander and Dan Russell.
Installation at the Birmingham School of Jewellery. Credit: Dauvit Alexander.

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'It's worse, much worse, than you think' 1. The opening lines of David Wallace-Wells's recent call-to-arms climate-change book The Uninhabitable Earth could so easily also be the premise of 'A Waste Land', a show that wishes to explore the political, economic and emotional circumstances in which we produce and dispose of waste. Everything here, from the jewellery pieces and the display cases, to the full installation environments in which they are positioned, is fashioned from objects and fragments Dauvit and Dan have obtained during their urban expeditions, respectively in Birmingham and Chatham.