
Jewelry and value: Some observations around Peter Bauhuis' fly-brooches

Published: 07.11.2021
Brooch: 38 Flies by Peter Bauhuis.Silver, yellow bronze, red bronze, copper, gold.. 2021.0.9 to 8. 5 cm. Peter Bauhuis
Brooch: 38 Flies, 2021
Silver, yellow bronze, red bronze, copper, gold.
0.9 to 8. 5 cm
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This essay is based on Pravu's contribution to the booklet accompanying Peter Bauhuis’ exhibition 'Flies'. See Mazumdar, Pravu, "On the value of flies. Some reflections on the latest brooches by Peter Bauhuis" in Peter Bauhuis, Flies, Munich, 2021. Bauhuis' project can be seen as an experiment in connecting the problems of form and value in jewelry through the fly motif.