
The Jewelry of Hermann Jünger by Ursula Ilse-Neuman

Article  /  Artists   Monograph
Published: 24.11.2023
The Jewelry of Hermann Jünger by Ursula Ilse-Neuman.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Over the past forty years, jewelry making has become increasingly rich and diversified as the time-honored reliance on precious metals and gems has been augmented or even disavowed. After the Second World War, jewelry artists more and more turned to intellectual and artistic concepts as their starting points to provoke a reexamination of the role of jewelry itself as well as of the relationships between maker and wearer. Jewelry artists in northern Europe and the United States led the way, and in Germany, Hermann Junger exerted a strong influence on the development of contemporary jewelry both as an artist and mentor.

This article was included in the Metalsmith magazine in Winter 2002 and published online on Ganoksin.