
Marine Chevanse. HEAR, Haute école des arts du Rhin, MA Art and Object. Selected Graduate 2018

Article  /  NewTalentsByKlimt02   Artists
Published: 13.08.2018
Sculpture: Estratu by Marine Chevanse.Paper. 2018.Estratu (strata in the Basque language).. Marine Chevanse
Sculpture: Estratu, 2018
Estratu (strata in the Basque language).

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It is in a universe of forms that Marine Chevanse leads us. Her research is based on popular legends, from carnival to ice-hockey. These are traditional gestures of making, dances and trances, that are taken shape in low common materials as zinc, paper, wool, leather. It is also a real dimension which is given to her artistic proposals and specific references to create objects who could take place in a sculpture field. From small sized jewels like her medallions, pompoms and bells, to the human-sized sculpture of colorful papers& that mingle and& simply cross each other, she brings surprise and energy with an easy plastic way of making.
/ Professor Sophie Hanagarth and Florence Lehmann