
Material Stories - Neutral Materials? There Is No Such Thing

Published: 17.01.2021
Katharina Dettar, 1.540 = 0,0021kg, ring and its spoil, 2016.
. Photo: Guillem Trius..
Katharina Dettar, 1.540 = 0,0021kg, ring and its spoil, 2016.
Photo: Guillem Trius.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

The jewellery you are now wearing, what material is it made of? Silver, wood, glass? Eggshell or 3D-printed algae by any chance?
A jewellery maker needs materials, but boy, they are tricky! They hold beautiful stories but embarrassing ones too. On your work bench or around your finger, they throw dilemmas about the environment and social inequality in your face.

Klimt02's Material Stories series attempts to examine various of these perspectives. Stay tuned to explore gold, gems, pearls and recycled materials. But first, an introduction: if materials are not neutral, what is at stake?