
The Other Side of Identity. Mining Practices in Argentina Through The Work of Artist Guigui Kohon

Article  /  Essays   CriticalThinking
Published: 02.10.2018
Photograph of the portrait background is from Rubén Digilio, courtesy of Clarín Group. .
Photograph of the portrait background is from Rubén Digilio, courtesy of Clarín Group. 

© By the author. Read Copyright.

The following text is part of a research project and thesis on contemporary jewelery that goes through issues of environmental complaint. They analyzed different works from different aesthetic ways, questioning not only the value of materials, but also the use that is given to jewelry, and how much is aware of where those materials come from. From a semiotic perspective, the project had as a central axis to disarm those ways of denouncing that have certain contemporary jewels to understand if that complaint responds to artistic, design or craft strategies, and how they work in each area.