
Qian Xu. China Academy of Art. Selected Graduate 2020

Published: 28.07.2020
Brooch: Bearing 2 by Qian Xu.Silver, gypsum, rock color.. 2020.9 x 9 x 2.5 cm.Photo by: Zongquan Ling.From series: Bearing. Qian Xu
Brooch: Bearing 2, 2020
Silver, gypsum, rock color.
9 x 9 x 2.5 cm
Photo by: Zongquan Ling
From series: Bearing
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Qian Xu's work named "Bearing", which was inspired mainly by the Dougong of Yongan Temple in Hunyuan County and the image of the Vidyaraja in the murals in the temple. As the main body of the material space, the form of Dougong implies the meaning of "Bearing" with its core function in Chinese traditional wooden architecture. As the key motif for the plafond painting carried by the Dougong, the image of Vidyaraja implies the deep relationship between painting and architecture. The three-dimensional Dougong and the two-dimensional mural are both bearing the craftsmen tradition in China for thousands of years.