
Retethering: The Timelessness of Pearls in the Post-Pandemic

Published: 22.04.2024
Petra Class. Necklace: Hanging by a Thread, 2023. Pearls, silk thread. Photo by: Petra Class. Petra Class
Necklace: Hanging by a Thread, 2023
Pearls, silk thread
Photo by: Petra Class
© By the author. Read Copyright.

In the millennia that humans have spent tangled up in pearls, we’ve imbued them with practically every complex, contradictory meaning we could squeeze into their iridescent layers: birth, death, power, delicacy, virtuosity, greed, timelessness, impermanence, sensuality, chastity, naivety, elegance, abundance, exploitation. The pearl has taken on these roles with the quiet competence of a Rorschach test, filtering and refracting our sentiments back to us.

This article was included in the Metalsmith Magazine. Vol 44 No 1 and can be purchased online at SNAG Metalsmith.