
Unveiling Value. The Impact of Auctions on the Contemporary Jewellery Market

Published: 07.09.2024
Unveiling Value. The Impact of Auctions on the Contemporary Jewellery Market.
Pre-auction viewing at Veritas Art Auctioneers in Lisbon from the 26 to 30 June 2024.
From left to right: Pieces by Jorge Vieira, Deganit Stern Schocken, and Ted Noten.
The auction, curated by Cristina Filipe, was on 1 July 2024. Photo by Eduardo Sousa Ribeiro

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Klimt02 sought to understand the role of contemporary jewellery in auction sales. Are there specialised auctions for this field? Who are the leading players in its promotion, and what insights can they share?

To explore these questions, we contacted five auction houses and received responses from two of them: Nadine Becker from Quittenbaum Art Auctions, who has long been committed to promoting these events, and Veritas Art Auctioneers, which organised its first contemporary jewellery sale last July in Lisbon. These responses allowed us to analyse the current state of contemporary jewellery in auctions, consider its future, and understand the significance of these events for the promotion of this artistic practice.