
What is Contemporary Jewellery? A Proposal for a Contemporary Definition of Art Jewelry by Klimt02

Published: 22.05.2024
Neckpiece: Flaschenhalskette by Bernhard, Metal wire. 1998. Bernhard Schobinger
Neckpiece: Flaschenhalskette, 1998
glass, Metal wire
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The jewel, a small crafted object, precious in its material or workmanship, must serve the individual while also having 'style', as Georg Simmel points out. In fact, this is the result from the interplay between individual expression and collective appreciation, forming a shared experience accessible to all.

However, the narrative grows more intricate when it comes to contemporary jewellery. This complexity arises, perhaps, from the difficulty faced by those unfamiliar with the field in distinguishing contemporary jewellery from its traditional, classical, or high jewellery counterparts. Each term carries distinct connotations, making it challenging to explain simply and clearly what contemporary jewellery truly entails.