
Working across borders: HSDC colab

Article  /  CriticalThinking   Exhibiting   Artists
Published: 27.10.2021
Working across borders: HSDC colab.
HSDC colab in Melbourne (photo: Aphra Cheesman).

© By the author. Read Copyright.

Object makers from Handshake (New Zealand), Dialogue Collective (United Kingdom) and TempContemp (Australia) collaborated to exhibit on the streets of Melbourne (AU) with imagery of their jewellery work provoked by the ideas of containment and restricted freedom.While we continue in our attempts to nail jelly to the wall, it is obvious that COVID has disrupted traditional ways of presenting jewellery. The subsequent uncertainty presents us with the challenge and opportunity to explore the notion of what a jewellery ‘exhibition’ is and what happens when jewellery is ‘uncontained’.