
Gioielli per Milano: e il sistema orafo lombardo

Exhibition  /  12 Jan 2011  -  09 Feb 2011
Published: 22.02.2011
Neckpiece: BULL by GianCarlo Montebello.stainless steel medallion, red polymer lace, tags in yellow 18 carats gold. 2010.Photo by©Dario Sigona LabFoto-INDACO Milan, Italy. GianCarlo Montebello
Neckpiece: BULL, 2010
stainless steel medallion, red polymer lace, tags in yellow 18 carats gold
Photo by©Dario Sigona LabFoto-INDACO Milan, Italy
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Curated by Alba Cappellieri, professor of jewellery design at the Politecnico di Milano 40 prototypes have been realized to combine people and ideas, masters and young designers, entrepreneurs and craftsmen, research and business, tradition and innovation, local and global from a system point of view that is typically of Lombardy.