
Ted and Fred, Unikatschmuck and Pret á Porter exhibition

Exhibition  /  16 Oct 2004  -  20 Nov 2004
Published: 09.11.2006

© By the author. Read Copyright.

An association with decoration those is not immediately obvious - however it is nevertheless decoration! A dead mouse the beads carries, a gun in a handbag from acryl, a fish in an acryl suit-case, a Kilo silver as neck decoration, "bath Boy" 2002, a diadem for the Kronprinzessin of the Netherlands, Màxima, Polo Polo-Helm from chrome-plated plastics, parts of a Mercedes Benz as brosche, or pieces of decoration in acryl poured for carrying as broschen, trailer, rings, bracelets and Manchettenknoepfe. Perhaps one does not need Ted Notens of decoration objects necessarily for the reason to become in order to feel decorated.

opening times: Di. Fr. 14.00 -19,00 o'clock SA 11,00 -15,00 o'clock as well as according to agreement