
Angst and Jewellery with David Bielander

Workshop  /  ProfessionalPractice   Design   CriticalThinking  /  04 Feb 2020  -  06 Feb 2020
Published: 16.12.2019
Neckpiece: Cardboard Crown by David Bielander.Gold with white gold staples.. 2015.Photo by: Dirk Eisel. David Bielander
Neckpiece: Cardboard Crown, 2015
Gold with white gold staples.
Photo by: Dirk Eisel
© By the author. Read Copyright.

The big or the small, the unfounded, the subconscious, the childlike, the own or that of others, the healthy, the ridiculous, the justified, the unnecessary, the overcome... Angst is an interesting sensation it is one that offers a way of reflecting and questioning ourselves and the world around us. This sensation is universal and it seems to be increasing in the world around us recently. Feelings of Angst can both hinder or can empower and we all are experts in our Angst.