
Blow it up. A Workshop with Kim Buck

Workshop  /  Technics   ProfessionalPractice  /  23 Aug 2024
Published: 22.05.2024
Kim Buck. Vase: Puffed Up, 2016. 999 silver. Photo by: Dorte Krogh. Kim Buck
Vase: Puffed Up, 2016
999 silver
Photo by: Dorte Krogh
© By the author. Read Copyright.

What happens if? A good question that we will try to answer by trying and doing. We will work with pressure. Not outside pressure, but inside pressure. We will investigate how pressure gives shape and meaning to materials. 
For a weekend we will forget about ending up with a result and focus more on the -process and the experiment. And who knows – maybe we get inspired. Bring something you need to reshape by blowing it up or bring nothing except -yourself, your curiosity and a creative mind. A good thing to have though, is a pump that will give you pressure to work with. Any size, any type – a football pump, a small compressor, a syringe – anything.

Workshop fees: CHF 500.–
Students are entitled to a 10 % discount.
A discount is offered if more than one workshop is booked.
Participants: maximum 8.
Subscription: up to two weeks before the workshop begins.
Advance payment: half of the workshop fee.
Tools are available.
Course material is included in the cost.
Metal is charged separately.
Course languages: German and English

You will receive detailed information before the workshop begins.
Modifications reserved.

Kim Buck
1957 Born in Odense, Denmark.
1978 – 1982 Education as a goldsmith.
1983 – 1985 Design education in jewellery and objects from the Institute of Precious Metals, Copenhagen.
Since 1985 Working and living in Copenhagen.
Kim Buck.
. Photo by Dorte Krogh..
Kim Buck.
Photo by Dorte Krogh.

© By the author. Read Copyright.
Kim Buck. Ring: Puffed Up signet, 2016. Fine gold. Photo by: Dorte Krogh. Kim Buck
Ring: Puffed Up signet, 2016
Fine gold
Photo by: Dorte Krogh
© By the author. Read Copyright.