
Brooches are Bridges by Tasso Mattar

Workshop  /  Technics   Making  /  24 Jul 2018  -  27 Jul 2018
Published: 23.01.2018
Brooch: Tassolith  Uno by Tasso Mattar.Homemade galalith, rock crystal, brass, pins are made from the same material in one piece.. 2014.8 x 8.5 x 3 cm. Tasso Mattar
Brooch: Tassolith Uno, 2014
Homemade galalith, rock crystal, brass, pins are made from the same material in one piece.
8 x 8.5 x 3 cm
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Approach the topic from different directions: as a bridge to develop the concept; as a connection to experiment the mechanical fascination; as an object to solve the technical issues.