
Patinas On Metals - Colors, Shades, Textures. A workshop by Judy McCaig

Workshop  /  11 Nov 2023  -  12 Nov 2023
Published: 05.09.2023
Judy McCaig. Brooch: Silent Sailing, 2019. Brass, alpaca, gold leaf. 6.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm. Judy McCaig
Brooch: Silent Sailing, 2019
Brass, alpaca, gold leaf
6.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

In this intensive course we will explore various permanent finishing treatments for surfaces of different metals in order to create different effects: colors, shades, textures and the correct application of oxides. Different recipes to patinate metals also with the use of natural ingredients. The application of this technique in goldsmithing allows countless creative possibilities.