
Serious Play. A workshop with David Clarke

Workshop  /  13 Oct 2023  -  15 Oct 2023
Published: 21.06.2023
Object: Stash by David Clarke.Silver plate, pewter, steel.. 2020.Various dimensions.Selected Finalist at the LOEWE FOUNDATION Craft Prize 2022.
. Redundant antique candelabras and candlesticks have been repurposed to create a series of three majestic and intriguing silverware compositions. Confounding the expectations of the viewer, each is crowned with a pair of hand-finished upturned pewter bowls that act as lids. The series reflects on sustainability, abundance and the joy of social gatherings.. David Clarke
Object: Stash, 2020
Silver plate, pewter, steel.
Various dimensions
Selected Finalist at the LOEWE FOUNDATION Craft Prize 2022.

Redundant antique candelabras and candlesticks have been repurposed to create a series of three majestic and intriguing silverware compositions. Confounding the expectations of the viewer, each is crowned with a pair of hand-finished upturned pewter bowls that act as lids. The series reflects on sustainability, abundance and the joy of social gatherings.

© By the author. Read Copyright.

We loose the art of playing far too early in life. Responsibilities, work; whatever that is, and commitments unfortunately take over and we allow it. We enter education at an early age and even though we sit in groups it’s very much about the individual and our own abilities.