
Simon Cottrell: Building the Intangible

Workshop  /  12 Sep 2013  -  14 Sep 2013
Published: 27.08.2013
Brooch: Layer clump leg by Simon Cottrell.Monel, mirrored synthetic polymer resin, stainless steel. 2012.11 x 8 x 5 cm. Simon Cottrell
Brooch: Layer clump leg, 2012
Monel, mirrored synthetic polymer resin, stainless steel
11 x 8 x 5 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

Working with a focus on the building of 'intangible response' rather than the building of 'tangible objects'. What might happen if we consider that the end point of our creative process is not the 'physical object' that we make, but rather the 'wearers/viewers perceptions' that we direct via the physical object.