
Companions. Marginal Notes to the Approach and the Process of Artistic Creation

Article  /  CriticalThinking   Exhibiting
Published: 06.07.2021
Object: Randnotiz zum Gewächs by Natascha Frechen.Soapstone. 2018.9 x 12.5 x 4 cm.Unique piece. Natascha Frechen
Object: Randnotiz zum Gewächs, 2018
9 x 12.5 x 4 cm
Unique piece
© By the author. Read Copyright.

There are places that let you fall back on yourself. Where there is no hustle and bustle, no breathlessness, hardly anything to distract the gaze from one’s own self. Such a place can be narrow, like a valley cut into the rock, but at the same time generous, in terms of what nature bestows on the beholder.

Article included in the book from the jauntiness of absence published on occasion of the exhibition "from the jauntiness of absence" at A-Galerii in Tallinn.