
The biggest challenge and triumph of our time was the letting go of attachment to what we made and staying focused on pure experimentation. The review of Monique Van Zyl and Brendan McCumstie Residency at RMS

Published: 07.01.2020
Brendan McCumstie and Monique Van Zyl at RMS studio with Dandan Xing..
Brendan McCumstie and Monique Van Zyl at RMS studio with Dandan Xing.

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Our vision of what we aimed to explore throughout the RMS residency was working as a couple to merge our existing, individual practice and develop it into a collective one.
Check the residency result exhibition: Ink Blot Tests by Monique Van Zyl and Brendan McCumstie at 798 Art Zone from 11.01.2020 to 19.01.2020.