
New Graduate: Liana Pattihis

Article  /  Making   Artists
Published: 06.06.2008
Brooch: Kandinsky Reversible by Liana Pattihis.Copper mesh, silver, enamel, stainless steel. 2007.ø 8cm.Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s painting Yellow, Red Blue
. (1925, Centre G. Pompidou, Paris).. Liana Pattihis
Brooch: Kandinsky Reversible, 2007
Copper mesh, silver, enamel, stainless steel
ø 8cm
Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s painting Yellow, Red Blue
(1925, Centre G. Pompidou, Paris).
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Having evolved her own style of enamelling right from the beginning, Liana Pattihis describes the processes involved in discovering her new techniques.-2016-2016