
Chameleon by Bo Zhang

Neckpiece  /  Organic   Abstract
Statement: The main material in Bo Zhang’s graduate work is discarded stockings, which transform into unique forms through heat. Working with fire on the one hand represents destruction while on the other hand symbolizes new life. It can destroy everything and give the object a new look and colour. Different materials were melted in initial experiments. The effect seems to be best with polyamide. Various flame strengths were used in order to work with different colours and thicknesses of polyamide. The final pieces show how artificial materials can imitate natural materials in an amazing way. Chameleons can adapt to their environment through camouflage. In nature, they are considered to be masters of imitation. Not only animals, but also humans have always had the desire and the habit to imitate nature - art is always the first reaction by humans to nature.
Bo Zhang
Polyamide, hemp.
30 x 45 x 6 cm
Photo by:
Petra Jaschke

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