Green hope by Guigui Kohon
Guigui Kohon
Green hope
Paper, oil painting, plastic and silver
? 5cm
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Green hope
Paper, oil painting, plastic and silver
? 5cm
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Supervivencia by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
Mina Veladero con medallas by Guigui Kohon
Photograph -
Una mirada en mi espejo by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
10 cities and 1 interior by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
Open in case of emergency by Guigui Kohon
Photograph -
Basuradejoyería -Jewelry waste by Guigui Kohon
Photograph -
CdelUrug, BsAs, Bcn by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
Open in case of emergency by Guigui Kohon
Ring -
And you need so much for so little by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
And you need so much for so little by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
Basuradejoyería -Jewelry waste by Guigui Kohon
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Self portrait, Basuradejoyería -Jewelry waste by Guigui Kohon
Piece -
Complemento para botiquín by Guigui Kohon
Ring -
Green hope (detail) by Guigui Kohon
Brooch -
Stamp by Guigui Kohon
Estimated price: 3 €Object
Inspiration Claude Monet by Sébastien Carré
Necklace -
Inspiration Joan Mitchell by Juan Riusech
Brooch -
Inspiration Henri Matisse by Isabelle Busnel
Brooch -
Rectangular Paper Brooch by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
Brooch -
Round Paper Brooch by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
Brooch -
Gold Brooch 2 by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
Brooch -
Gold Brooch 1 by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
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Blue Brooch 3 by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
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Blue Brooch 2 by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
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Blue Brooch 1 by Jeremy Isamu Irvin
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MAD III by Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri
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MAD II by Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri
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MAD I by Yoko Takirai and Pietro Pellitteri
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Portrait jewelry by Terajima Takayoshi
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4 beakers by Antje Dienstbir