
Who Am I Series of Works by Han Dong

The problem that who is the human being leads us to the core of the issue directly. If the human being is a thing, then we will ask what it is and define it with the method of defining the objects in nature or the industrial products. However, the human being is not a thing, so it cannot be defined with the method of defining a thing. Even though, the human being is always regarded as a thing. It is described as a worker, a professor, a doctor, a director, etc. In other words, the human being is defined by its social status. Human beings in the modern industrial society have become tools or machines. They may be alive physiologically but disabled mentally.
——By the American philosopher Erich Fromm
[Who am I ]Series of Works——These things wearing the ancient jade masks in the Neolithic Age take the fancy of the public, because they are full of human nature, human emotions, free forms of life, and power of love. They have no any desire for power…I am a human being.
Han Dong
Who Am I Series of Works
Ancient jade mask, wood, conch, corallite
5 x 14 x 3.5 cm

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