
Grow and develop by He Li

Brooch  /  Abstract   Conceptual

Phase follows by heart, phase creates chaos. Everyone is a patchwork. Most of the time our time, our energy is divided into a lot of blocks, most of the time are powerless, powerless. No one can exist without self-conscious & desire. If not, there will be a lot of negative emotions. Those ideals and aspirations have to be temporarily abandoned or stranded because of reality. But even so, a determined person can let an unyielding spirit grow out of the cracks.
I used brass, heat shrink sheet, drop glue, 14k gold wire. The circular semi-transparent heat-shrinkable sheet is fixed on the backplate by brass wire in the form of penetrating winding to express the meaning of being restrained and restricted. Thin gold lines extend through the gap, with transparent water droplets at the top to express the unyielding emotions.
He Li
Grow and develop
Brass, heat shrink sheet, drop glue, 14k gold wire.
12 x 8 x 5.5 cm
Photo by:
He Li

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