
New Scrap has Potential by Lilli Margarita Gruber

Tool  /  Conceptual   Recycled
BA thesis 2020
The knife „40 degrees“ is made from production waste, as it is produced daily in the metalworking industry. The small knife is made of the production waste from the knife „40 degrees“. The knives are forged of C60 steel. This high-quality steel arises as „new scrap “ during the production of pipe drills for taking soil samples. Emissions that are produced by the production of steel in the steel mill are avoided by recycling directly „new-scrap“. For these knives, 900 g of coal forge was burned during their production.
Lilli Margarita Gruber
New Scrap has Potential
Recycled steel
28.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm, 9.5 x 5 x 0.3 cm
Unique piece

Photo by:
Lilli Margarita Gruber

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