
Leg je neer by Marthe Wauters

Necklace  /  Ornamental   NewTalentsByKlimt02   OnBody
Before starting my jewellery studies at the Academy, I studied interior design, which is not far from jewellery, if you think about it.
An interior expresses your identity and can provide support and comfort. Jewellery does the same for me.

One wears the body, the other is worn by the body. In your interior you live, in a fixed place; with jewellery, thanks to wearing it, you take just that (along) with you. Furniture may be bigger, but a jewel is always present.

In this project, I looked for the formal connections between the two worlds. The chair embraces my neck, the armrests are supported by my ears, the carpet finds a place on my chest, the lamp rests on my arms. With my works, I explore the boundaries between carrying and being carried. I begin to become part of my interior myself?

Your interior reflects your identity and can offer you support and comfort. For me, it is important to be able to take these feelings with you, so that the jewellery becomes an extension of your sense of home.
Marthe Wauters
Leg je neer
Thread, textile
38 x 41 cm
Unique piece

Photo by:
Marthe Wauters

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