
The Fragility of Memory by Samantha Dewar English

Vessel  /  Organic   NewTalentsByKlimt02

Memories are scattered and frayed at the edges, they are at the mercy of our emotions and desires. They carry the complexity and weight of our own narratives.  Exploration can be laboured, fractured and fragile.  It brings forth glimpses of a past eroded by time and emotion.
Through the making of the Memory Vessels and the treatment of the metals, Samantha explores and captures the fragility, decay and preciousness of memories.
The vessels are made through a practice of forming and etching, selective cleaning, sanding and polishing before the introduction of oxidisation, plating and entombment with wax.
Differences in the scale, grouping and the complexities of the treatment of the metals reflect the hierarchy and importance we place on our memories.
The vessels, through both the process of making and their final form, wane between the uncontrollable and the controlled; they are both captured and destroyed.
Samantha Dewar English
The Fragility of Memory
Brass, copper, silver, silver plate.
From series:
The Fragility of Memory
Photo by:
Samantha Dewar English

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