
Who I Am and Who You See by Teresa Alton Borgelin

Brooch  /  Narrative
Unique piece.

Statement: Identity is not only about how we see and define ourselves, it is also shaped by the gazes of other people and the society we live in. In my degree project, Who I Am and Who You See, my experiences of being transnational adopted become the starting point for my project which investigates the interplay of personal and social identity and how we classify things in our environment, including appearance. The color of the skin leads to questions about norms, inclusion, and exclusion. My brooches become conversation pieces that reflect on value and power, but also about care and heritage. Interviews with other adoptees, as part of my research, concerning issues on how we perceive ourselves in relation to how other people perceive us.
Teresa Alton Borgelin
Who I Am and Who You See
Gold, silver, brass, enamel, hair.
8 x 1.5 x 18 cm
Photo by:
Teresa Alton Borgelin

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