
Elena, Lili, Daria by Vlada Goretskaya

Earrings  /  Figurative   OnBody   NewTalentsByKlimt02
Still life photo by Claudio Morelli; The piece on body photo by Anna Ivanova.

Living at a distance with close people make you feel their invisible presence. Parts of their body and hair are transformed into earrings — jewels that can not be seen by the wearer. It’s a magical touch that gives you a powerful sensation of that person. He touches your skin invisibly, you feel the presence but you can’t see him. Metallic parts of the earrings are inspired by ear-parts shapes and have the effect of wearing someone’s ear. Hair and metallic ears confuse you. What’s real and what’s not?
Vlada Goretskaya
Elena, Lili, Daria
Silver, hair.
Elena: 2.7 x 1.5 x 1 cm; Lili: 7.8 x 2.5 x 1 cm; Daria: 3.5 x 6.1 x 1 cm
From series:
Invisible Touch

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