A Stranger Among Brothers, A Brother Among Strangers by Yulia Visotskaya
The project consists of three elements that together form a spring self-defense suit. The idea for this project arose from her personal experience and the challenges of moving and immigrating to a new country (Israel). This experience involves numerous aspects, such as leaving behind familiarity and family, language difficulties, cultural adjustments, and more.
As an individual navigating such a complex process, one of the predominant feelings is the need to feel protected and safe despite being in a new, unfamiliar environment and facing conditions of uncertainty. To express my personal journey through these difficulties and challenges, I drew inspiration from the animal kingdom and their ability to handle distressing situations. This inspired me to design my objects.
As an individual navigating such a complex process, one of the predominant feelings is the need to feel protected and safe despite being in a new, unfamiliar environment and facing conditions of uncertainty. To express my personal journey through these difficulties and challenges, I drew inspiration from the animal kingdom and their ability to handle distressing situations. This inspired me to design my objects.
Yulia Visotskaya
Head piece
A Stranger Among Brothers, A Brother Among Strangers
Stainless steel, alpaca, nylon thread, genuine leather
Unique piece
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A Stranger Among Brothers, A Brother Among Strangers
Stainless steel, alpaca, nylon thread, genuine leather
Unique piece
- Photo by:
- Shai Franco
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