
Amberif Design Award 2018 Winners

Award giving  /  03 Feb 2018
Published: 13.02.2018
Piece: A Series of Fortunate events by Selvia Bellia.Mexican amber, onyx, silver, honey.. 2018.4,5 x 6 x 3 cm.Awarded at: Amberif Design Award 2018.The Grand Prize 2018. Selvia Bellia
Piece: A Series of Fortunate events, 2018
Mexican amber, onyx, silver, honey.
4,5 x 6 x 3 cm
Awarded at: Amberif Design Award 2018
The Grand Prize 2018

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The winners of the 22nd edition of the Amberif Design Award are announced: Silvia Belli , Miron Kutarba, Kairi Sirendi. This year the competition subject was "Periphery" the Jury assessed 171 works submitted by 124 artists from 25 countries.