
Mari Ishikawa: Inhorgenta Munich Award Special Prize

Award giving  /  14 Feb 2014  -  17 Feb 2014
Published: 16.01.2014
Brooch: Landscape by Mari Ishikawa.Silver 925, Alminium, Japanese lacquer(Urushi). 2012.9 x 7,5 x 2 cm. Mari Ishikawa
Brooch: Landscape, 2012
Silver 925, Alminium, Japanese lacquer(Urushi)
9 x 7,5 x 2 cm
© By the author. Read Copyright.

At the 22nd jewelry competition ‘Revolt’ as part of the Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2013, INHORGENTA MUNICH is honoring the Japanese jewelry artist Mari Ishikawa with the INHORGENTA MUNICH special award. The designer, who lives in Munich, is being honored for her ‘Landscapes’ series and she gets the opportunity to present her work to the audience from the trade.