
Contact Zone: A Symposium in Iran

Meeting  /  20 Jun 2024
Published: 02.09.2024
Elham Poryamehr (Symposium Director) right and Rouhollah Shamsizadeh Maleki (Moderator) left..
Elham Poryamehr (Symposium Director) right and Rouhollah Shamsizadeh Maleki (Moderator) left.

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The "Contact Zone" symposium was held on June 20, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Aria Gallery in Tehran, focusing on post-humanist theory and its relation to art and specifically design. Managed by Elham Poryamehr and moderated by Rouhollah Shamsizadeh, the event featured speeches by ten professors from Iran and abroad, with nearly 40 participants.