
InFlow Conference: Intersections of Identity and Modernity

Meeting  /  31 Aug 2024
Published: 27.07.2024
InFlow Conference: Intersections of Identity and Modernity.
Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum
Györgyi Mátyók
DEADLINE: 30/08/2024

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The conference focuses on contemporary art design, and the intersections of art and scientific approaches, through narrative jewelry.

We aim to create an international cultural and scientific event in Szentendre, the city of arts in Hungary, where eminent speakers will share their knowledge, experiences and research results presenting the latest trends in the contemporary jewelry conference programme, while the exhibition series will present fresh, modern contemporary approaches to jewellery design.
It is important to create new values and synergies in this project, building a deeper connection between personal ways and modern art, while exploiting the potential of technology and the use of new materials in the creative process.

Hours and Price:
From 9 to 18 h.
Personal attendance: 90 Euros + Eventbrite fees.
Live Stream: 40 Euros + Eventbrite fees.

At the same venue and time, you can visit the Inflow International Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition & Competition. “Personal Narrative Spaces”. The exhibition presents 170 narrative jewels from 22 countries. Entry: free. Vernissage & Award Ceremony: 19 h 31st of August, 2024 at the ArtMill.

International, expert speakers:
  1. Dr Jack Cunningham, Emeritus Professor.
  2. Carlo Lucidi, artist, curator, gallerist, Rome, Carlo Lucidi Gallery.
  3. Dr. Ferenc Kiss, President, MTA GB Knowledge Management Working Committee.
  4. Prof. Péter Baranyi, Professor, PhD, Research Professor, Budapest Corvinus University.
  5. Katalin Jermakov, Noémi Ferenczy award-winning jewelry designer, MANA Design Studio.
  6. Magdalena Vélez Salinas, President, Co-Founder AdOC Association (Contemporary Goldsmith and Jewelers Association), Madrid.
  7. Andrea Alt, jewellery expert.
Objectives, questions to which we seek answers:
  1. Modernity
    What interactions are created when traditional techniques and motifs are placed in a modern context? How does a contemporary, narrative jewelry approach transform ancient forms and tools? How can the use of modern materials create object harmony?
  2. Synergies:
    How can new ideas, styles, and techniques inspire each other? How can we be faithful to tradition without regressing the creative process?
  3. Technology and use of materials in the creative process:
    What are the digital world's possibilities and the use of technological innovations in artistic expression?
  4. The expression of belonging and identity in art:
    How can creative art contribute to strengthening a sense of belonging and expressing identity? How can these subtle "voices" be translated into contemporary jewelry art formulations?


- International Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition: Personal Narrative Spaces
The theme of the conference is closely linked to the internationally juried, contemporary jewellery exhibition „Personal Narrative Spaces”, which will be on display at the conference venue, ArtMill. „Personal Narrative Spaces” presents 170 narrative jewels from 22 countries.
It's important for us that this project fosters new values and synergies, allowing us to forge deeper connections between our design concepts and the current trends in contemporary jewelry design. The event aims to deepen awareness of the intertwining of individual ways, traditions and contemporary art and to showcase the personal creative processes that create new meaning and beauty in this dialogue that spans centuries.

- Conference: Intersections of Identity & Modernity Lectures
  1. Knowledge management tools for creative work and knowledge transfer.
    Dr. Ferenc Kiss, President, MTA GB Knowledge Management Working Committee.
  2. The role of future virtual technologies in the arts.
    Prof. Péter Baranyi, Professor, PhD, Research Professor, Budapest Corvinus University.
  3. 'The Noisy Narrative of the Inanimate Object'. Contemporary narrative jewelry through context and personal practice.
    Dr Jack Cunningham, Emeritus Professor, jeweller, academic, curator.
  4. The nature of conscious design.
    Katalin Jermakov, Noémi Ferenczy award-winning jewelry designer, MANA Design Studio.
  5. VIII Contemporary Goldsmithing Exhibition: experiences on international exhibitions and the current creative trends found within.
    Magdalena Vélez Salinas, President, Co-Founder AdOC Association (Contemporary Goldsmith and Jewelers Association), Madrid.
  6. Nexus, connections of material and message in contemporary jewelry.
    Carlo Lucidi, artist, curator, gallerist, Rome, Carlo Lucidi Gallery.
  7. "Not lost, just transformed", reflections on contemporary jewelry through jewelry history analogies.
    Andrea Alt jewellery expert.
  8. International Synergies in contemporary narrative jewellery.
    Roundtable discussion.
The organisers reserve the right to make changes.

Dr. Györgyi Mátyók & Inflow Team.
Technical Support Team: Krisztián Benyó, Benedek Dévényi, Bence Talló.
PR: Bernadett Tomaskó.