
Santa Fe's Patina Gallery Joins Munich Jewellery Week 2019

Meeting  /  MunichJewelleryWeek2019  /  17 Mar 2019
Published: 28.01.2019
Santa Fe's Patina Gallery Joins Munich Jewellery Week 2019.
Patina Gallery entrance, Santa Fe NM. Photo: Peter Ogilvie.

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To celebrate 20 years of soul-stirring works, Allison and Ivan Barnett journey to Europe for the first time in more than a decade to build a vision for the future. Patina Gallery, known as an international destination for studio craft jewelry and fine art, located in the historic museum district of Santa Fe, NM, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. As part of the commemorative experience, Patina’s curators and co-owners, Allison and Ivan Barnett, are traveling to Germany to join Munich’s annual Jewelry Week.