
PREZIOSA 2017. Florence Jewellery Week. Connecting worlds. Artistic research, crafts, design, new technologies.

Meeting  /  24 May 2017  -  28 May 2017
Published: 21.02.2017
PREZIOSA 2017. Florence Jewellery Week. Connecting worlds. Artistic research, crafts, design, new technologies..

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Preziosa is a cultural project, an annual exhibition dedicated to Contemporary Jewellery.

Every year the artistic approach to the complex subject of jewellery is explored through a specific concept and with the selection of artists from the international scene.
The project, imagined, managed and coordinated by LAO - Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School in Florence, started in 2005, and has quickly become one of the worldwide most important events devoted to contemporary jewellery.

Preziosa can be considered as an explorative path always in motion.