
MFA Programme in Crafts - Jewellery Art at HDK. Academy of Design & Crafts

Open call  /  11 Dec 2017  -  15 Jan 2018
Published: 11.12.2017
Sara Malm. Set: In Line With, 2016. Wood, silver, leather, paint.
.  . Brooches, rings, bracelets, necklaces.. Sara Malm
Set: In Line With, 2016
Wood, silver, leather, paint.
Brooches, rings, bracelets, necklaces.
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The master’s programme in Crafts at HDK invites students to explore the purpose of crafts in society today. Artistic exploration through materials and concepts is the basis of the programme. Coursework encourages the development of skill-based knowledge, fosters debate about the meaning of material inquiries and investigates the conceptual identity of the crafts.